Wolf Administration Denies Lawmakers Access to Farm Show Complex Where Entire State Stockpile of PPE is Stored

Sources claim truckloads taken to incinerator

HARRISBURG -Three House committee chairmen showed up for a 9 a.m. tour of the state Farm Show Complex today to examine the personal protective equipment (PPE) stored there but were denied access because they refused to comply with unreasonable pre-conditions set by the Wolf administration.

Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams), chairman of the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee; Rep. Karen Boback (R- Lackawanna/Luzerne/Wyoming), chairman of the House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee; and Seth Grove (R-York), chairman of the House State Government Committee, were invited to the Farm Show Complex following a State Government Committee hearing at which PPE storage was discussed. However, when they arrived for the tour, there were no administration officials there to greet them and they were locked out of the building. (Click to continue reading).


“Oh, the books they will ban! Cancel culture is rapidly encroaching on American institutions – starting in our elementary schools. To push back, I am working to safeguard children’s access to historic books and characters,” said Dr. Joyce. “As we have seen time and time again, the ‘woke’ horde will target just about anyone, even Dr. Seuss. No American taxpayer should be forced to participate in this scheme against their will. The GRINCH Act will prohibit taxpayer dollars from funding bureaucrats’ attempts to censor children’s literature and determine what our kids are permitted to read. We must not allow the left to wage further attacks on students’ First Amendment rights.” (click to continue reading)